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Book ReviewsCommentary

Communicating Christ in a Religious World

By March 8, 2010July 16th, 2014No Comments

JOHN THOMAS ROGERS, Xulon Press, 244 Pages, Paper, $15.99

A newly revised edition, this book was once published by Regular Baptist Press under the title Communicating Christ to the Cults. Rogers has spent many years in ministry, including 18 years in Mormon Utah, and has been a devoted student of false religions since he was a young student. Martin Dahlquist, who was academic dean of the college Rogers attended, said, “I found John to be a bottomless resource of information about Mormonism. He probably has a better grasp of Mormonism and its teachings than do ninety-five percent of all Latter-day Saints.”

In the book are these and other interesting topics: what constitutes a cult, causes of cults, having proper attitudes in witnessing to and carrying on conversations with cultists, listening properly, keeping focused on salvation, maintaining Biblical authority in dealing with cultists, knowing the truth about Deity, being aware of people’s substitutes for true salvation, keeping up with false doctrines (including baptisms for the dead, soul sleep, and who the lost tribes of Israel are), practical responses to people’s questions, and pointing out failures of “religion.”

An appendix gives Scripture passages to memorize in talking with people about their souls and eternal destiny. This is a valuable tool in reaching the lost.

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