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Resolution on Prayer for Government Leaders

The messengers of the General Association of Regular Baptist Churches, meeting together in regular conference June 22–26, 2009, at First Baptist Church in Elyria, Ohio,

Obeying Bible commands to be in subjection to governing authorities, and understanding that human government is an institution appointed by God (Rom. 13:1, 2; 1 Peter 2:13, 14),

Believing that this subjection is important because (1) resistance to government is resistance to what God has ordained and even brings judgment, (2) government is responsible to praise good and oppose evil, and (3) our consciences encourage us to obey (Rom. 13:1–5),

Being guided by Scripture that encourages “supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men,” including “kings and all who are in authority” (1 Tim. 2:1–6), for the purpose of living our Christian lives in peace without threats, intrusions, and fears that come from persecution or government interference, and for the purpose that the proclamation of the gospel would freely move forward,

Noting with regret that our nation continues to give evidence of moral decline, that our elected and appointed leaders often demonstrate a deficiency of Biblical values, and that proposed laws may restrict ministry freedoms,

Understanding that the prayers of God’s people should include all governing authorities, not just those with whom we agree,

Believing prayer and honor should continue even during times of severe persecution as instructed and modeled by Peter and Paul, who ministered through such times, we

Submit to those in leadership, showing respect and obedience to them as God’s appointed ministers to us for good, making sure that we speak of those in authority with respect and giving due diligence to honor our responsibilities;

Commit to pray for our president and our government leaders with supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, praying for peace and for the prosperous progress of the gospel, including the salvation of those in leadership, encouraging prayer individually and in corporate church gatherings;

Affirm our ultimate responsibility to God, Who is the ultimate sovereign King; and

Pray that our leaders would acknowledge their accountability to Almighty God for the decisions they make, that they would base those decisions upon the truths of God’s Word, that they would make the decisions that allow for free and peaceful life and ministry, that they would remain righteous and strong in their dealing with evil, and that they would enable and exalt good.

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