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Members Who Are Not There

By August 23, 2010June 20th, 20142 Comments

Many times people join a church, attend for a while, and then fall off the face of the earth. How do churches handle lack of attendance from their members? Do those people remain members and get counted among the membership? (For instance, a church has a regular attendance of 50, but has 250 members on paper.)

Many churches have policies in place within their constitutions or bylaws that address this issue. Here is once such policy:

Members failing to support the church by their attendance within a period of three months, without legitimate excuse, will be placed on the inactive list by vote of the church and so lose their right of franchise. All members placed on the inactive list shall be notified by letter. If there is no response on the part of the inactive member and no indication of regular church attendance within six months of the time of being placed on the inactive list, such a one shall be dropped from the roll of the church by church vote and be notified by letter. An inactive member may, by faithful and regular attendance during a three-month period, be placed on the active list again by the Pastor(s) and Deacons. The church shall be notified of such action.

How does your church approach lack of membership? Let us know in the comments.


  • Chip Van Emmerik says:

    I have been involved with several churches over the years that handled the situation similarly to the excerpt you provided. However, my current church recognizes failure to attend as a church discipline issue. Rather than sweeping the problem under the rug, we have chosen to confront the problem and seek restoration.

  • Greg White says:

    We have recently changed our constitutional article called “Inactive Membership Role” in light of a very long inactives list. Our provision under “Membership” is now called “Broken Fellowship”. After six months of absence and after the pastor and deacons attempt a reasonable effort to restore them they will be placed on the “broken fellowship list” by church action. When placed on the “broken fellowship list” they may not vote, hold office or minister in the church. If they fail to respond in three more months they are automatically removed from membership. We also have a restoration provision that allows them to request reinstatement to full membership after showing “a repentant attitude and renewed interest.” Reinstatement is made by recommendation of the pastor and deacons to the church and a favorable congregational vote.

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