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Deacon Care Groups

By December 29, 2008June 19th, 2014No Comments

Deacon care groups are a great way to get our families and individuals into smaller settings and develop friendships, as well as share joys and prayer needs. Our groups meet on the fifth Sundays of the year, at various times such as after the morning worship service, at dinner, or in the evening (the evening service is canceled).

The deacons and their wives plan and host their events. They meet with their care groups in various venuesin a home, a restaurant, or the church fellowship hall. They may picnic in a park, go bowling, gather at a pizza shop, or enjoy ice cream. They meet over meals, enjoy dessert fellowships, or gather for soup and sandwiches. The possibilities are endless.

Each deacon and his wife come alongside each family in their group. They keep track if families have missed a couple Sundays at church and touch base with them. The deacon and his wife remember group members’ birthdays, anniversaries, and other special events. They make a point of visiting with care group members at church services, inquiring of their welfare and of any special prayer requests. If a church member is getting married, having a baby, relocating, recovering in the hospital, or grieving over a death, the deacon and care group assist one another and organize others in the church to help if needed.

The deacons report at the regular deacons’ meetings of special needs or issues that need to be addressed within their families. It is a great ministry within our church.

Jan Lightfoot, pastor’s wife
Kathy Hull, church secretary
Rustic Hills Baptist Church
Colorado Springs, Colorado