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Book Reviews

The Book on Leadership

By November 1, 2007July 19th, 2014No Comments

John MacArthur Thomas Nelson, 240 Pages, Paper, $13.99

In the title The Book on Leadership, MacArthur refers not to his own book but to the Book. He firmly believes that studying the subject of leadership must come from studying Christ, as well as the other models and principles of leadership found in Scripture: “It’s a serious mistake for Christians in leadership to pass over . . . and turn instead to secular models. . . . Entire organizations now exist to train church leaders with leadership techniques and management styles gleaned from worldly ‘experts.’”

The bulk of MacArthur’s writing consists of twenty-six Scriptural characteristics of a true leader. Some characteristics are “a leader is trustworthy,” “a leader takes the initiative,” “a leader never compromises the absolutes,” “a leader empowers by example,” “a leader knows his own limitations,” “a leader does not abuse his authority,” “a leader is courageous,” and “a leader knows when to change his mind.” What a checklist these twenty-six characteristics serve to the reader who wants to be a leader or better leader, and leadership includes us all to one degree or another. MacArthur’s list of leaders includes parents and teachers, as well as people in business and church ministry. He writes that “every Christian is called to be a leader of sorts, at some level, because all of us are given a mandate to teach and to influence others.” MacArthur explains the twenty-six characteristics well, and his doing so offers a tremendous incentive to please the Lord, acknowledging past failures and moving on.

At the end of the book is a useful study guide for each chapter.

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