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Help! What Should I Do with All of My Books?

By March 8, 2011June 17th, 2014No Comments

Nancy Makiling and Marianne Baltensperger

If Nancy Makiling wanted to, she could mail herself back to the Philippines—the box is big enough. Instead, she and coworkers at Regular Baptist Press are loading the boxes full of books to ship to pastors in her home country.

“We were all classmates at Doane Baptist Seminary in Iloilo City, Philippines,” Nancy says. After she moved to the U.S. and took a position with Regular Baptist Press, she stayed in touch with her college friends, who have now become ministry leaders.

“We are still Facebook friends. I have not seen them since 1984 when I left,” Nancy says, adding that she recently sent another Doane classmate a box of Vacation Bible School materials. “Last year they had 250 kids and 30 professions of faith. He was very grateful for all of the things we sent.”

Nancy says it costs between $65 and $90 to send the box to the Philippines, but there are no weight restrictions, making it an attractive option for overseas shipping. Asked how much the box weighed after it was packed with books, Nancy replied, “I don’t know. I can’t even move it!”

The books are often donated to Gospel Literature Services by retired pastors who are interested in helping younger pastors and ministries develop quality libraries. And when Nathan Johnson, pastor of Prairie Baptist Church, Noblesville, Ind., passed away suddenly last year, his wife, Anita, arranged to donate many of his books to GLS.

Jim Vogel, associate national representative of the GARBC, sorts the books and organizes them by subject in a spare room at the GARBC ministry center. An avid collector of books himself, Jim also culls titles to ensure what he passes along are quality, helpful resources.

Nancy Makiling suggested another way U.S. churches could help, explaining how the “Bible women” in Philippine churches are leading children’s ministries, women’s ministries, youth work, and musical groups. Right now the Bible women are asking U.S. churches to donate choral music, vocal solos, and piano/instrumental music.

For more information on donating books and music to Gospel Literature Services or donating money for shipping, please e-mail Marianne Baltensperger.

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